POWCOR holds various fundraiser's throughout the year that are both fun and informative. POWCOR relies heavily on donations from generous individuals like yourself, to fund the research necessary to make progress towards a cure. It is POWCOR's mission to do whatever it takes to inform, fundraise, and fight for a cure to pancreatic cancer!
POWCOR Pancreatic Cancer Fund is a non-profit organization co-founded in January 2009 by Rebecca Powell and Jamey Corradetti in an effort to help find a cure for pancreatic cancer. After the passing of Jamey's uncle, Eugene Corradetti Jr., and the diagnosis of Rebecca's father, John Powell, it became our commitment to do whatever we can to help find a cure for pancreatic cancer.
"Whatever you vividly imagine.
ardently desire,
sincerely believe,
and enthusiastically act upon...
must inevitablycome to pass!"
-Paul J Meyer